San Francisco Thigh Lift Surgeon– Kenneth Bermudez, MD

Kenneth Bermudez, MD, is one of the more experienced San Francisco plastic surgeons specializing in thigh lift surgery. This procedure is designed for men and women who wish to remove excess fat and skin tissue from their thighs, sculpt the underlying muscles and achieve a tighter, more youthful thigh appearance. Dr. Bermudez is proud to be regarded as a top thigh lift surgeon who has helped numerous patients realize their dreams of beautiful, shapely thighs. To learn more about this procedure and how it can help you achieve your aesthetic goals, please read the information below.

Thigh Lift

Thigh lift addresses loose skin around the thighs and hips. Excess skin tissue in this area can result from various causes, including:

  • Aging

  • Significant weight loss

  • Pregnancy

You may be a thigh lift San Francisco candidate if you are healthy and emotionally stable but feel physically and psychologically uncomfortable due to excess, saggy skin and fat on your thighs. Unfortunately, exercise and diet can do little to help improve the look of your thighs, as the excess skin can be removed only surgically.

The Procedure

Dr. Kenneth Bermudez performs thigh lift as an outpatient procedure with the patient under general anesthesia. He starts by making small incisions in the area of the thighs and removing excess fat and tissue. He then contours the thighs to create a more toned and tight appearance. For patients who are looking to eliminate flabby, sagging skin on the thighs, a thigh lift is an excellent plastic surgery option.


Following thigh lift, the patient will be provided with a compression garment to help tighten the skin and prevent swelling. Some bruising, swelling and soreness in the treatment area are to be expected, but pain can be managed with medications prescribed by Dr. Bermudez. In addition, Dr. Bermudez will provide the patient with detailed postoperative instructions to ensure a smooth healing process, including how to change dressings and when it is acceptable to resume showering. Any pain resulting from the surgery should begin to subside after a few days, but the swelling may take as long as three to five weeks to resolve.


Dr. Bermudez is an experienced plastic surgeon with an impressive track record of safe, successful surgeries. However, all surgeries pose risks. The risks of thigh lift include:

  • Bleeding

  • Infection

  • Asymmetrical results

  • Ongoing pain

  • Recurrent skin laxity

  • Accumulation of fluids

  • Anesthesia complications

  • Scarring

  • Skin discoloration

  • Numbness or loss of sensitivity

To minimize these and other risks, be sure to study all pre- and postoperative instructions provided by Dr. Bermudez and his staff. By fully informing yourself and taking all necessary precautions, you can ensure that your thigh lift procedure will result in an attractive, more youthful thigh appearance.


Under the skillful hands of talented plastic surgeon Dr. Bermudez, the thigh lift procedure can:

  • Reduce redundant thigh skin

  • Minimize the appearance of dimpled thigh skin

  • Remove excess fat deposits

  • Improve thigh contours

  • Permit the wearing of tighter clothes

  • Boost self-confidence

Dr. Kenneth Bermudez sometimes recommends that his thigh lift patients combine this treatment with other body contouring procedures to achieve the best possible results. For example, patients who have a significant amount of excess skin on their thighs, buttocks and lower abdomen might benefit from lower body lift. Similarly, patients who have lost more than 100 pounds of excess weight might wish to undergo the comprehensive post-weight loss body contouring treatment, which can include liposuction and tummy tuck. Yet another option is to undergo thigh lift in conjunction with an arm lift to achieve a toned, youthful overall physique.

Contact Dr. Bermudez Today

If you would like to find out how thigh lift can help you improve your body contours, please click here to schedule a personal consultation with Kenneth Bermudez, MD. He will perform a thorough evaluation to recommend the most appropriate procedures, explain all of your treatment options, and help you develop a thorough aesthetic body contouring plan.