Blepharoplasty surgery, also known as eyelid reduction surgery, is a popular cosmetic surgery procedure that targets the skin around the eyes with the aim of removing any excess fat and skin that is making you look older and more tired than you really are. Blepharoplasty can be performed on either the upper or lower eyelids.
Before you can undergo blepharoplasty, your surgeon will want to assess your suitability as a candidate. You may be considered to be a good candidate for an eyelid lift if:
You look perpetually tired, even when you don’t feel it.
Your upper eyelids look and feel very heavy.
Sagging upper eyelids are causing deep lines and wrinkles.
Your eyelids are drooping into your line of vision.
The appearance of your eyelids is asymmetrical.
You have persistent bags of fat and skin under your eyes.
Exactly what you can expect to happen during a blepharoplasty will depend on whether it is the upper or lower eyelids being addressed. Upper eyelid surgery concentrates on the area between the eyebrows and eyelashes, while lower eyelid surgery focuses on the region between the eyelashes and cheeks.
Blepharoplasty can be performed safely using just a combination of local anesthetic and sedation, meaning that you are calm and relaxed, but not fully asleep. However, if your surgeon feels that it is more appropriate, you may be recommended to have a general anesthetic instead. The surgery itself can usually be performed in less than a couple of hours.
During an upper blepharoplasty, your surgeon will make an incision along the natural crease of the eyelid, which helps to disguise any scarring. Any excess skin, fat and muscle are removed to reduce the size of the area before the incision is closed using tiny sutures.
During a lower blepharoplasty, your surgeon will make the incision inside your lower eyelid where possible. Alternatively, it may be necessary to make the incision below the eyelashes. Again, any excess fat or skin is removed, but if any support for the muscles and tendons below the eyes is required, this will be added before the incision is closed using sutures.
Although blepharoplasty is normally an outpatient procedure, you won’t be able to drive yourself home after so you should make sure that you have someone to drive you and stay with you for a while afterward until the effects of any anesthetic/sedation have worn off.
Most surgeons will recommend that you take a week off of work following your surgery. During this time, you’ll need to follow specific instructions for taking care of your eyes as they heal and recover. This will involve taking prescribed medications as directed, sleeping with your head raised above the level of your chest to help ease swelling, and keeping your incisions clean. Your surgeon will issue you with information as to what you should and shouldn’t do in the days and weeks following surgery.
It’s normal for the eyes to appear bruised and swollen for several weeks. It’s important that you don’t wear eye makeup to try and cover this and this could irritate the incisions and increase the risk of infection. The results of your surgery should start to be obvious within a few days, although it could take up to a month for all of the swellings and bruising to fade.
If you are interested in blepharoplasty surgery, please visit Kenneth Bermudez, MD in San Francisco, CA. Call (415) 712-1800 to schedule your consultation today.