Kybella Double Chin Treatment in San Francisco

Over the past 20 years, plastic surgeon Dr. Kenneth Bermudez has met with countless patients in the San Francisco area, many of whom struggle with submental fat, most commonly known as a “double chin.” To eliminate this unsightly fat bulge on the chin and neck, Dr. Bermudez offers Kybella, an innovative and non-invasive FDA-approved injectable treatment. Kybella is a safe and effective alternative to more invasive surgical procedures such as liposuction. The treatment can restore a sleeker jawline with little to no downtime. If you are embarrassed by your double chin or tired of hiding it, schedule a consultation with Dr. Bermudez. Or, continue reading more about treatment with Kybella.

About Kybella

Kybella is designed to reduce the volume in the chin area by destroying fat cells, which in turn eliminates the submental fat. The injectable treatment is made of deoxycholic acid, which breaks down the fat cells in the target area. Once the fat is metabolized, it is then gradually and naturally eliminated by the body. Because the fat cells are destroyed, fat can no longer be stored there nor return, resulting in a slender, more beautiful jawline and neck.

Kybella Treatment for Double Chin

Treatment with Kybella involves several injection sessions — usually between two to six over the course of several weeks. The exact number of sessions will ultimately depend on the amount of unwanted submental fat you have and your desired results. Dr. Bermudez can perform each session in about 20 minutes in his office.

To begin the treatment, Dr. Bermudez will prepare the targeted area by applying a topical solution to minimize discomfort. He will then use tiny syringes to inject the product, focusing on the areas that contain the most excess fat. Treatment with Kybella is virtually painless; most patients report feeling a warm sensation as the injection works to dissolve the neck fat.

Recovering from Kybella

Because there is little to no downtime with Kybella, you are free to return to work or your regular activities a couple of days after treatment. Immediately following treatment, you may experience slight bruising, redness and mild burning or stinging and swelling on your chin and neck. You may also feel some nodules after a few days following your treatment. These side effects are temporary and should dissipate within three to four weeks.

Once the swelling has gone down, you will begin to see an improvement in the appearance of your chin and neck area. It typically takes three to four sessions every six weeks for most patients to achieve their desired results. Depending on how much chin fat you have, you may need up to six sessions to see optimal results.

Kybella Benefits

Results with Kybella are permanent, as the fat cells in the area cannot return. Any weight you gain in the future will be more evenly distributed throughout the face and neck areas. Additional benefits of Kybella include:

  • Minimally invasive procedure

  • Minimal discomfort

  • Little to no downtime

  • Short, painless recovery

  • No incisions or bandages involved

  • Does not require anesthesia

  • Slimmer jawline and neck area

  • More youthful and attractive facial appearance

  • Short treatment sessions

Contact Your San Francisco Kybella Provider

Are you interested in learning more about Kybella and how it can transform your double chin to a sleek and stunning jawline? Contact our San Francisco office to schedule a personal consultation with Dr. Bermudez. During your consultation, the talented plastic surgeon will discuss your aesthetic concerns and goals with you in order to design a treatment plan that best achieves the beautiful, harmonious facial appearance that you desire.