Aftercare and Recovery From a BBL

close up of a fit woman's butt in black underwear

A Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL) is one of the most popular cosmetic procedures. The procedure continues to gain popularity among people who want to improve the look of their behind and contour their body.


When you lose or gain weight, the shape of your behind will change. When you lose weight, your body fat volume will decrease, reducing the size of your behind. If you gain weight, the size of your behind will increase due to the increase of fat cells in this part of your body.


The popularity of procedures such as the Brazilian butt lift is increasing every year. But before you undergo this type of cosmetic procedure, you need to understand what it entails. You also need to learn about aftercare and the recovery process.


What Is a Brazilian Butt Lift?


This cosmetic surgical procedure combines liposuction and fat grafting. Essentially, your cosmetic surgeon will remove fat from areas of your body where you do not want it and inject it into your butt. Often, cosmetic surgeons suck out fat from their patients’ bellies or thighs.


In most cases, this procedure involves the use of general anesthesia. This is because the surgeon does a significant amount of liposuction. However, you need to understand that not everyone is an ideal candidate for this cosmetic procedure.


Are You a Good Candidate?


Before you get a BBL, you need to be healthy. You also need to get your doctor’s approval for elective surgery. Furthermore, you should not be too overweight or too thin. After all, your cosmetic surgeon will need to transfer some fat from a certain area of your body. Alternatively, being overweight can increase the risks involved with surgical procedures.


Aftercare and Recovery


Also known as gluteal augmentation, this procedure involves the use of your body fat to augment and shape your rump. The aim is to achieve a youthful, perkier backside, as well as a more attractive body profile.


Initial Recovery


Following the procedure, you can expect to have some swelling and bruising in the areas your surgeon harvested fat from. You can manage any pain you experience using medication. Each patient recovers differently.


In most cases, patients are up and walking within two days. Additionally, moving around can help prevent constipation. Sometimes, some blood-tinged tumescent fluid may drain from the incision points. This should not alarm you. This is normal and should cease a few days after the procedure.




To maximize the procedure’s results, you should follow certain aftercare tips. For instance, you need to wear the right compression garment after the procedure to help treat the areas where your surgeon performed liposuction. You should wear this garment for at least eight weeks to improve the chances of proper healing.


The compression garment will also help decrease discomfort and optimize healing, in addition to helping your skin retract. Also, you should avoid sitting directly on your butt for about eight weeks after surgery. If you have to sit on your buttocks, use an inflatable or donut pillow. Your cosmetic surgeon will also advise you to sleep on your sides or stomach.


Immediately following the procedure, you need to avoid high-impact activities that involve any type of bouncing. Also, after the initial eight weeks of recovery, you should avoid sitting for prolonged periods and use a cushion when sitting. You can resume certain light activities like fast-paced walking after one month.


To learn more about a Brazilian butt lift or to schedule a consultation, call Kenneth Bermudez, M.D., in San Francisco, California at (415) 712-1800 today.