5 Questions to Ask Before Getting a Brazilian Butt Lift

Brazilian Butt Lift

Considering Brazilian Butt Lift surgery? A Brazilian Butt Lift, or BBL, adds fullness and lift to slim or sagging buttocks. If you would like a firmer, rounder, more “elevated” booty, we at Bermudez Aesthetic Medicine have (literally) got your back! To start you off, here are the top five questions to ask your plastic surgeon, and yourself, before surgery.

Are You a Board-Certified Plastic Surgeon?

This question is for your surgeon, and it’s the most important one. What does it mean to be “board-certified” and why do you want a board-certified surgeon to perform your BBL—or any plastic surgery procedure for that matter?

board-certified plastic surgeon has been certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery, the US standard in the plastic surgery field. This means that the surgeon has a higher level of training and years more of expertise than a cosmetic surgeon, which is a medical doctor with only supplemental training in cosmetic surgery.

Picking a board-certified plastic surgeon to perform your BBL also means less risk of complications during surgery and better aesthetic results.

What’s the Difference Between BBL and Butt Implants?

Brazilian Butt Lift surgery uses a patient’s own fat (harvested from another area of the body through liposuction and then injected into the buttocks) to enhance the size and shape of the butt.

Butt implants are typically silicone implants used to add volume to the buttocks. When comparing the two options, BBL has a clear advantage over butt implants.

For instance, there is significantly less risk of complications when using natural fat over buttock implants. Second, a BBL procedure is like two body-shaping procedures in one, since it slims and smooths out one area of the body by removing excess, unwanted fat and moving it the buttocks for a sleeker, yet more curvaceous physique. Clearly a “win-win”!

Would I Be a Good BBL Candidate?

A good Brazilian Butt Lift candidate is someone who is unhappy with flat and/or sagging buttocks caused by genetics, aging, weight loss, or other factors. This candidate could be at a normal weight or overweight, with extra, unwanted fat on their lower back, stomach, thighs, or hips. Someone who is a good Brazilian Butt Lift candidate will also have good skin elasticity.

If you meet the above criterion, you might be considered a good BBL candidate. But there’s only one way to know for sure—schedule a private consultation with your plastic surgeon, where he or she will evaluate your candidacy for surgery and decide whether BBL will meet your body goals.

To schedule a consultation with Dr. Bermudez, contact us or call (415) 712-1800.

Brazilian Butt Lift

How Much Scarring Will I Have after BBL Surgery?

The Brazilian Butt Lift procedure involves removing fat from another part of the body via liposuction, purifying the fat, and then re-injecting it into your buttocks. Because the BBL procedure involves very minor incisions strategically placed within the body’s natural folds or under the bikini line, the resulting scars are typically minimal and well-hidden.

What’s Should I Expect from BBL Recovery?

Since plastic surgeons and their post-surgery instructions vary, we recommend following your surgeon’s instructions closely during recovery. Dr. Bermudez typically has his patients wear a compression garment to control swelling, and they are instructed not to put any pressure on their buttocks—which means laying on their stomach when at rest. Bruising and swelling will occur in the area, and Dr. Bermudez prescribe pain medication to keep his patients comfortable. Typically, a BBL patient can expect to return to work about six to eight weeks after surgery. For more BBL recovery details, schedule a private consultation with Dr. Bermudez.

Get All of Your BBL Questions Answered!

Have more questions about BBL? Curious if you’re a good BBL candidate? Talk to Dr. Bermudez! With over 25 years of experience helping patients find their self-confidence through body enhancement procedures, Dr. Bermudez can help you get your dream body—and booty. Call for a consultation (415) 712-1800.